NEEM METHOD Type: Contraceptive

BEST Fourth dimension TO Employ METHOD: Immediately/Anytime

ALSO KNOWN As:  Indian lilac , margosa, nim, margosier, crackjack, paradise tree, white cedar, chinaberry

Neem is a natural contraception method
Neem is a traditional and natural form of birth control


  • Infants have suffered complex sequelae, and fifty-fifty expiry from the internal use of neem. Avoid giving neem supplements to children.
  • Those who have impaired liver or kidney function should also have great caution. Excess doses of seed or seed supplements may be toxic.

POSSIBLE SIDE Furnishings:

  • Traditional Ayurvedic practitioners recommend against the use of neem if the person suffers from obvious wasting or fatigue.
  • Neem can exist a potent smell throughout the body. May result in discomfort for cultures and couples who engage in oral sex.


  • Neem slows the move of sperm, preventing their ability to reach their destination and impregnate the egg.
  • Researchers found that men experienced eight months of effective birth control when Neem seed oil was injected into the vas deferens.
  • Neem oil has been found to exist nearly 100% effective when administered intravaginally.
  • Researchers found Neem oil kills sperm in the vaginal region within just thirty seconds, and continues to be effective for upwards to five full hours.


  • Oil practical intravaginally
  • Injected into reproductive organs
  • Taken orally


  • Neem oil is recognized to be a strong spermicide and is believed to exist 100% efficacious when practical intra-vaginally.
  • In rats, the implantation inhibitory effects were seen in as many as 10 days after fertilizing intercourse, although it was most effective if used within iii days.
  • A well-researched spermacide and oral contraception for men.
  • Male person subjects who consumed neem leaf oil for six weeks achieved 100% effectiveness, and continued for as long as the subjects took the capsules daily. Within half-dozen weeks of discontinued use, the upshot wore off and was completely reversed.
  • Neem oil injected into the uterine horn created a twelve month prevention of pregnancy which was plant to exist completely reversible.


  • Antifungal
  • Used for boils, ulcers, and eczema
  • Oil is used for peel diseases, including indolent ulcers and ringworm
  • Anti-pyretic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Anti bacterial
  • anti parasitic
  • anti viral
  • anti protozoal
  • Stops micro organisms from penetrating into the torso
  • Benign for eczema sufferers
  • Beneficial for heart disorders and insect poisons
  • May exist used against gonorrhea, syphilis, Chlamydia, herpes simplex-2 and possibly even HIV-1
  • Used for preventing and ridding the trunk of backlog candida without harming the beneficial bacteria.


  • Neem originates in India and Burma, but now is grown all over the world.

Besides used as

  • antifeedant
  • anthelmintic
  • clarified
  • diuretic
  • emmenagogue
  • contraceptive
  • febrifuge
  • parasiticide
  • insecticide


  • Neem: The Ultimate Herb
  • Neem: Republic of india's Miraculous Healing Plant
  • Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems